Tackle Land Fishing Report – 18 September 2015

Tackle Land Fishing Report – 18 September 2015

Squid. Still a few good size squid around the traps.  Smaller numbers are being caught between Redcliffe and Woody point. Reports of larger sized Tiger Squid being boated toward the Brisbane river mouth. With the winds picking up a little and water temperature rising, it’s going to be a little harder to find squid in […]

Tackle Land Fishing Report – 4 September 2015

Tackle Land Fishing Report – 4 September 2015

Squid Fishing Report: Squid are still available along the Moreton Bay coast Line in good numbers. As this season continues the size of the squid will increase with some Tiger Squid pushing the 1kg mark. Redcliffe Jetty, Woody Point, Shorncliffe Rock Wall (Near new Jetty) and Manly Harbor would be a few places to search […]

Impoundment Barramundi Techniques by John Hazelwood

Impoundment Barramundi Techniques by John Hazelwood Impoundment Barramundi

General Information The iconic Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) has been stocked in freshwater impoundments in Queensland for many years now, beginning in 1985 I believe, at Lake Tinaroo near Atherton from where a fish weighing 45kg has been recorded. In recent times other impoundments like Lake Awoonga and Lake Monduran have produced incredible numbers of huge […]

Mangrove Jack Fishing Techniques by Robbie Rayner

Mangrove Jack Fishing Techniques by Robbie Rayner Mangrove Jack Fishing

So you want to catch a Mangrove Jack? This is just some basic tips I have been taught, learnt and watch others do to become successful at landing that elusive Mangrove Jack. I’m by far no expert but hopefully we can get you on the right track to land one of these Red Devils in […]

Snapper Fishing in the Shallows with Soft Plastics by Peter Kaye

Snapper Fishing in the Shallows with Soft Plastics by Peter Kaye Snapper Fishing in the Shallows

Hi there, I’ve decide to write this article on snapper fishing in the shallows to try and help out the fellow fisherman. Falling in love with lure fishing some 5 years ago I have been on a steep learning curve since and expect will continue for a long time to come. I have been lucky […]

Beach Fishing Tips by Alvey Reels Australia

Beach Fishing Tips by Alvey Reels Australia Rob's Greenback Tailor

Written by Rob Duncan Sand between the toes, pristine surrounds, the abundance of fauna & flora and of course those beautiful starry nights could be just a couple of reasons many people find the attraction of ‘getting away’ from it all and heading to the beach so appealing. The beach is certainly a terrific place […]